Video on iPhone + Cardboard Model with Photo prints
Portfolio is an indecisive play between insecurity and hyper-confidence. In the video, I digitally placed all the works I have created since I started studying inside the university‘s physical spaces. They block entrances, cover the ceilings, and turn the working space into a mess.
The video is then displayed on a small screen, which is implemented in a model of the room where it is exhibited. Inside this model, the screen again appears to take up the full space of the room. Through the conceptual back-and-forth, the work tries to tackle the questions of how much space an individual can/could/should or wants to take in a collectively shared space – especially an art institution that holds up elite and hierarchical structures and is trying to push the building of a strong individualized sense of artistic practices.
Every time the work is exhibited, it will be placed in a slightly bigger model of the exhibition space. Following this concept, the work will get bigger the more it gets exhibited and will therefore push an approximation of the model onto the real room, claiming more and more space. Until now it stayed pretty small :)

Cardboard model of the exhibition room with a small (pretending to be big) screen with the video on it